Insights Gained on My Journey into the Tech Industry as a Backend Java Developer

Navigating the realm of the tech industry is akin to stepping into a dynamic and constantly evolving universe. As the digital landscape continues to shape the way we live, work, and connect, the journey of entering this industry unfolds with a series of eye-opening revelations. From the intricate web of coding languages to the profound impact of innovation on daily life, my foray into the tech world led me to discoveries that reshaped my perspectives. In this article, we delve into the profound insights and unexpected lessons that emerged as I embarked on this transformative adventure, shedding light on the things I didn't know before immersing myself in the ever-buzzing domain of technology.

Using MYSQL Server from Docker

The advent of containerization has revolutionized the way we deploy and manage software applications. Docker, a leading containerization platform, empowers developers to encapsulate applications and their dependencies within lightweight, portable containers. This versatility extends to database management, as Docker offers an efficient solution for serving MySQL server instances.

Traditionally, setting up a MySQL server involved intricate configurations and potential compatibility challenges. Docker simplifies this process by encapsulating the MySQL environment into a container, enabling seamless deployment across various systems.

Here's a brief guide on how Docker can be utilized to serve a MySQL server:

1. Installation: Begin by installing Docker on your system. Docker provides platform-specific installation guides, making setup a breeze.

2. Pull MySQL Image: Docker Hub hosts an official MySQL image that you can pull using a single command: docker pull mysql:latest. This fetches the latest MySQL image.

3. Run MySQL Container: Launch a MySQL container using the pulled image with a command like:

docker run --name mysql-container -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password -d mysql:latest
docker exec -it mysql-container mysql -uroot -p

The docker exec command runs a new command in a running container

Enter the password ("password" in this case) when prompted.

Empowering Java Persistence with QueryDSL

The world of Java development is replete with powerful tools and libraries that streamline the process of creating robust applications. Among these, QueryDSL stands out as a game-changer in the realm of database interaction and query construction. Born out of the necessity to enhance type safety and readability when working with SQL and JPA (Java Persistence API), QueryDSL brings a new level of elegance to database queries.

Understanding QueryDSL:

QueryDSL is an open-source framework that empowers developers to write type-safe queries for various data sources, including SQL databases, JPA, JDO (Java Data Objects), and even MongoDB. It offers a fluent, Java-centric API that allows developers to construct complex queries without sacrificing readability or maintainability.

QUser user = QUser.user;
JPAQueryFactory queryFactory = new JPAQueryFactory(entityManager);

List<User> users = queryFactory
    .where(user.age.between(20, 30))

In this example, QUser is a query class generated by QueryDSL based on the User entity. The query constructed using the fluent API retrieves a list of users aged between 20 and 30, ordered by their names.


QueryDSL enriches Java persistence by providing a type-safe, fluent, and intuitive approach to constructing database queries. Its ability to seamlessly integrate with ORM frameworks and support various data sources makes it a versatile tool for developers working on projects of varying complexity. By enhancing code readability and maintainability, QueryDSL empowers developers to craft efficient and accurate queries, resulting in more efficient data retrieval and manipulation.

BeanUtils in Java

BeanUtils simplifies tasks such as copying properties from one object to another, populating JavaBeans from maps or other objects, and manipulating properties using string-based property names. It enables developers to work with properties of Java objects without directly accessing their fields or methods.

In summary, BeanUtils in Java is a library that provides tools to work with JavaBeans and their properties using reflection-based operations, making it easier to perform various object manipulation tasks.

"You have source and target when using the BeanUtils.copyProperties(source,target) method "

import org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils;

public class Person {
    private String name;
    private int age;
    private String address;
    // Getters and setters...

public class PersonDTO {
    private String name;
    private int age;
    private String address;
    // Getters and setters...

public class BeanUtilsExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a source Person object
        Person sourcePerson = new Person();
        sourcePerson.setAddress("Karachi, Pakistan");

        // Create a destination PersonDTO object
        PersonDTO destinationDTO = new PersonDTO();

        try {
            // Copy properties from sourcePerson to destinationDTO
            BeanUtils.copyProperties(sourcePerson, destinationDTO);

            // Print the copied properties
            System.out.println("Name: " + destinationDTO.getName());
            System.out.println("Age: " + destinationDTO.getAge());
            System.out.println("Address: " + destinationDTO.getAddress());
        } catch (Exception e) {

NOTE: The source and target classes do not have to match or even be derived from each other, as long as the properties match. Any bean properties that the source bean exposes but the target bean does not will silently be ignored.

Navigating the Future with Newfound Wisdom

As I reflect on the insights gained during my journey into the tech industry as a backend Java developer, it becomes evident that this path has been one of continuous learning and growth. The world of technology is a constantly evolving landscape, where each challenge met is an opportunity to refine skills and embrace innovative solutions. From the intricacies of code optimization to the art of crafting efficient algorithms, every experience has woven a rich tapestry of knowledge that will undoubtedly shape my future endeavors.

But it's not just about the technical skills; it's about collaborating with diverse teams, exchanging ideas, and collectively striving for excellence. As I've delved into projects ranging from complex systems to elegant microservices, the importance of teamwork, communication, and adaptability has been underscored time and again.

My journey as a backend Java developer has been marked by the realization that the tech industry is not merely about lines of code; it's about creativity, problem-solving, and the potential to make a lasting impact. Embracing this mindset, I look forward to the challenges that lie ahead, armed with the insights gained from this incredible journey.

In closing, I extend my gratitude to the mentors, and colleagues, that have made this journey exhilarating. With newfound wisdom, a hunger for exploration, and an unwavering commitment to innovation.

- Anas Bin Sohail